
What If A Nuclear Weapon Hits New York Tomorrow?

  What If A Nuclear Weapon Hits New York Tomorrow? A nuclear weapon detonation in New York City would result in catastrophic destruction. If a bomb like "Little Boy," the same type dropped on Hiroshima, were to hit Manhattan, everything within a 200-meter radius would be vaporized, and buildings would be severely damaged up to 340 meters away. The immediate death toll would be in the tens of thousands. Beyond the initial explosion, the heat would ignite widespread fires, and radioactive fallout would contaminate the environment, making it hazardous for survivors and first responders. Modern nuclear weapons, such as Russia's RS-28 Sarmat ("Satan 2"), pose an even greater threat. Capable of carrying multiple warheads, this missile could unleash destruction far beyond what "Little Boy" caused. A 15-megaton explosion would create a fireball over 4 kilometers wide, incinerating everything in its […]

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